Sumotype is a type foundry and design studio based in Bogotá, Colombia.
We have an extensive knowledge on typography, lettering, and branding design.
Our main goal is to offer high-quality typefaces with a strong historical background which can be a perfect complement to different designs and communication environments.
Getting into the world of typography is taking a trip to the past where we learn about ourselves and our history.

SumoType is running since 2014 by Oscar Guerrero Cañizares an independent type designer with a Type Design post-graduate degree from the University of Buenos Aires. Oscar was a jury member for Colombia at the “Bienal de Tipos Latinos” 2016 and is also a typography teacher at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and for the Master's Degree in Typography Design at the University of Buenos Aires, he also teach in alternative educational spaces such as Domestika.
Our work has been selected to be part of international events and publications such as the 6th Bienal Tipos Latinos competition 2014 and 2022, Bienal Iberomericana de Diseño in 2015 and 2020. We are five times winners of the prize of excellence in the Communication Arts Typography Competition in 2016, 2021, 2022 and 2023, three silver and three bronze prizes in the Latin American Design Awards in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, and last but no least, we were finalists in the Morisawa Typeface Competition in 2016.
Custom Typography:
We have extensive experience developing bespoke typefaces for a wide range of business sectors, design studios, and entrepreneurship. We offer different kind of licenses in order to adapt to the needs of each brand and market.
Benefits of a custom font:
- Identity and differentiation.
- Typography can be an extension of the brand creating a unique communication environment.
- Coherence in all communication platforms.
- Exclusive language support for the brand.
- Best prices in the purchase of long-term licenses.
Custom Logotypes:
We have developed logotypes for important Latin American brands in different sectors and product categories. Developing a custom logo offers the possibility to express yourself in a unique way with your clients and create a powerful input for brand communication.
Font Production:
In recent years we have collaborated on font production with several international foundries and independent type designers. Our help has been essential for the final publication of different fonts and type families
- Extension of the character set.
- Technical review.
- Design and drawing review.
- Metrics review.
- OpenType features.
- Production, testing and Kerning pairs generation.
- Variable Fonts production
- Display typefaces and italics.
Education has been a fundamental part of our contribution to the understanding of typography in academic and professional audiences. As part of our effort to share our knowledge of typography, we have developed a variety of open workshops, as well as workshops with design studios and at different universities in Latin America.
- Typography basics.
- Lettering.
- Calligraphy: Foundational and Cancellaresca.
- Modular typography.
- Digitization.
- Typographic selection.
- Composition.
- Typography design: From the sketch to typography.
- Design of italics: From history and calligraphy to typography.
- Type families: Variations of weight, structure, optical sizes, display typefaces and italics.

We are proud to share these amazing news with you.
Brigada has been awarded with a Certificate of Typographic Excellence from the Type Directors Club.

Pleased to share with you the third version of our type family Fuga.
This update includes the upright version of Fuga in its eight weights: Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Regular, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold and Black. Four new styles were created to increase functionality for the entire family.

7 of our projects have been selected to be part of the 9th Tipos Latinos Biennial.
The Biennial has been a reflection of the state of discipline in our countries for years and it is an honor to be part of this selection.